3 Things: my vices, dream careers, and technology woes.


I have a ridiculous sweet tooth. As in, I'm never not in the mood for dessert. My biggest weakness is chocolate, of the dark variety. And I love the simplicity of a good s'more. I'm also addicted to coffee (but don't tell my boyfriend that). Not the caffeine in coffee, but the very ritual of coffee. Every morning, a cup of Joe warm in my hands. Add cream, hold the sugar. (I love my sweets, but coffee is not one of them. Coffee with dessert, however? Perfection.) On most afternoons, around 3pm, I crave a cappuccino rich with foam. A splash of soy milk complements the rich bitterness of the espresso. But give me strong espresso.


In another life, I'd want to be either a ballerina or a cultural anthropologist. Two completely different professions, both utterly inspiring. I danced for eight years when I was younger, but I didn't have the discipline to keep it up through high school. Still to this day, there's nothing quite so beautiful to me as a girl who can move to music with perfect grace. I took two anthropology courses in college, both of which I either loved or hated, depending on the day. The study of mankind is like an endless maze, exhausting yet fascinating, but I can't think of a more worthwhile subject.


I sometimes (secretly) wish computers didn't exist. I wish I didn't feel the need to check my phone 20 million times a day, or to take my laptop with me when I travel. I wish I spent more time reading actual books than blogs and less time scrolling through Pinterest than flipping pages of magazines. I wish Facebook stalking wasn't a way to “get to know” someone or email an excuse to pass up pen and paper. I wish libraries weren't en route to becoming obsolete as a result of the flowing stream of information that is only a click away. And I wish our generation could be satisfied simply enjoying life's moments without experiencing the nagging urge to document them for the world to see. I secretly wish all of these things, but you'd never know it. I rarely unplug, and I'm guilty of documenting almost everything. But what if computers didn't exist? Somehow, I think life might be fuller.

Photo by Kazuo Ota.


86th Academy Awards.


West Texas.