Motherhood Emily Blasik Motherhood Emily Blasik

The childcare conundrum.

Did you know that the average cost for full-time daycare in the United States is $1,100 per month? And that’s IF you can manage to snag an open spot! We’ve built a system that only rich people can opt into, leaving low-income Americans without any options. In other countries around the world, like Denmark and France, childcare is heavily subsidized by the government and surpasses ours in quality.

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Culture Emily Blasik Culture Emily Blasik

When abortion becomes the obvious choice.

The abortion industry makes its money by convincing terrified women that they are not strong enough to go through with a pregnancy in their young and/or vulnerable state, and that by simply doing away with it, they can continue on as if the whole thing never happened—and actually make something of their lives. Personally, speaking as a proud feminist, I believe we deserve way more credit.

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