A few resolutions.
In no particular order:
1. Get out more: Make new friends, meet up with old friends, attend a college party, join a club, go on a date (or two), see a play, plan a shopping trip, get lost and learn my way around Austin, etc.
2. Study, study, study: Aim to make higher than a 3.5 GPA this semester, get accepted into the UT Communications school, and learn for the sake of learning.
3. Limit the number of naps I take each week.
4. Get in shape: Train for a 5K, and eventually a 10K.
5. Complete Project 365, in hopes of becoming a more experienced photographer (and because it seems like fun).
6. Finish watching all ten seasons of Smallville—only five more to go!
7. Incorporate Scripture into my everyday prayer life.
8. Complain less, appreciate more—because nobody likes a whiner.
9. But most of all, using the words of Jason Alleman, I vow to be my true and authentic self in everything I do.