A portrait of first-time homeowners.
Currently, I am...
Drinking: vanilla caramel kahlua flavored (decaf) coffee, straight from my French press.
Loving: the above photo of Scotty and I on a walk in our neighborhood. Did I mention we bought a house back in February? We're officially suburbia folks! (And frankly, still getting used it...) We enjoy our daily strolls and love having visitors stop in for a cup of tea or glass of wine. Hint hint.
Reading: Wild by Cheryl Strayed. Seriously, girl's got GUTS. I wouldn't dream of hiking the Pacific Crest Trail at all, much less by myself.
Stressing over: how to turn my other blog into an LLC. I'm halfway there, and still so confused. A degree in business or law would be super helpful right about now.
Thankful for: Dallas weather. It beats Houston's humidity any day.
Listening to: birds chirping outside my kitchen window. Suburban life has its perks.
Learning: the art of slow living. JK, I don't even know what that means.
And a little bonus fun fact: Summer used to be my least favorite season, but it's growing on me. I'm all about the 8:30pm sunset these days... More time for walks.
Anyhoo, what's new with YOUR life?