My snowy Valentine.


Currently, I am...

Drinking: AHA sparkling water (grapefruit + orange).

Loving: living in a snow globe! It’s currently 15 degrees outside and we’ve had several inches of snow so far today. It’s predicted to keep going through Wednesday! Gotta be some kind of record for Dallas.

Oh, and my daily fix of this ultra coffee. (Click to get 20% off your first order!) I. Am. Addicted.

Reading: American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins for book club this month. Only just started so I have no comments yet. But you can keep up with my book reviews here.

Stressing over: getting Jude to nap, but he fiiinally went down—after hours of fighting it. Don’t you just hate when their schedule gets thrown off? He woke up at 4:30am this morning crying, and I have no idea why. But ever since, his day has been rough. Such is toddler life!

Thankful for: the fact that Jude is now peacefully sleeping, and I can enjoy some down time by the fire.

Watching: 10 Things I Hate About You. It was actually Scott’s pick for Valentine’s Day. (I’m as surprised as you!)

Learning: how best to organize my time with a 15-month-old.

And a little bonus fun fact: I’m the new Clinical Nutrition Assistant for Amanda Montalvo, aka the Hormone Healing RD! She is a brilliant and highly regarded women’s health expert, and I’m excited to learn all I can from her. I joined her team so that I could better serve women struggling with hormone imbalances, and my goal is to work as a nutritional therapist with her longterm instead of pursuing the success of my own consulting business.

So what does this mean for With Candor Wellness? While my wellness website and blog remains active, I will no longer be offering any nutrition services through WCW. (There just aren’t enough hours in the day!) If you’d like to work with me and Amanda instead, click here for more info. And check us out on Instagram, why don’t ya? We’re going to be announcing some exciting stuff here soon, and I hope you’ll follow along!


Here we go again!


What I learned from wearing a continuous glucose monitor.