What’s in a name?

Jane Seymour portraying “Elise” in Somewhere in Time.

Have I mentioned on this blog that I'm obsessed with names and their meanings? (I'm slowly but surely accepting the fact that my life is one giant mess of odd fascinations.) I have a ton of favorites that I've "collected" and kept track of over the years. Whenever I discover a new name that I like, I can't help but look up the meaning and origin on this site and file it away in my journal. (If you know me at all, this is probably not surprising in the least.)

Anyway, here is my most current list of lovely names:


Inspiration/Reason: St. Rose of Lima (named Isabel at birth but later given the name Rose because of her captivating appearance) was my confirmation saint. Her incredible story has always inspired me.

Meaning: "God Is My Oath"

Origin: French/Spanish


Inspiration/Reason: St. Jude Thaddaeus, the patron saint of hopeless causes, is another special someone that I rely on as a guide in my faith journey. Plus, my favorite Beatles song is none other than "Hey Jude."

Meaning: "From Judaea" (Kind of a lame meaning, but I can overlook that.)

Origin: English


Inspiration/Reason: I'm not really sure how I came to like this one. I just think it's pretty.

Meaning: "Elf Army" (Uh, awesome.)

Origin: English


Inspiration/Reason: Henry David Thoreau was an American author and philosopher that I adore. Read some of his quotes, and you'll see why.

Meaning: "Ruler Of The Home"

Origin: German


Inspiration/Reason: Elise McKenna is an angelic character from my mom's favorite movie, Somewhere In Time. (See photo above!) And who can forget Beethoven's classic piece, "Für Elise?” So beautiful.

Meaning: "God Is My Oath" (Again!)

Origin: French


Inspiration/Reason: This is my best friend's middle name, but it first caught my attention when I fell head-over-heels for Ryan Atwood, a character from The O.C. (I can't believe that I'm admitting this.) The name itself is simple yet classic. And I like the feminine form (which is pronounced the same), because it's kind of different. Also, it reminds me of Rayne, a small town that has a big place in my heart.

Meaning: "King" or "Royalty"

Origin: Irish

In a couple months, I'm sure that most of these will change. Until then, feel free to share your personal favorites with me! (Like I said, this stuff makes me happy.)

Photo of Jane Seymour portraying “Elise” in Somewhere in Time by Derek Hudson.


Countdown to summer.


Feeling blue.