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This post might have been a dead giveaway, but I have yet to officially announce Scott's and my engagement on my blog! Thanks to my amazing friend and talented photographer, Chelsi, we were able to have ourselves a fun little engagement shoot last Sunday, and the finished product completely blew me away. (Seriously, that girl can make anyone look good.)

We started out at one of my new favorite coffee shops, Common Bond, and from there slowly made our way to Buffalo Bayou for a few outdoor shots. As a native Houstonian, I've never really stopped to appreciate how beautiful this city is. Like most of our generation of wanderers, I always dreamed of moving away from Texas as soon as I could—if for nothing else than to just get out and explore someplace new. Of course, life doesn't always go as planned, and for many reasons, Houston seemed like the best choice for me after college. Since it is so close to home, though, it's easy to take it for granted. But rather than continue to daydream about far off places and pray for any opportunity to move cross country, I've become determined to nix this mindset and truly start loving where I am.

Did you know that Houston topped Forbes' list of coolest American cities in 2012? It might not have a reputation as "hip" or "trendy" as Austin or Portland, but it really does have so much to offer. And it's all at my fingertips! Scott and I recently made a resolution to explore our town from top to bottom. To become tourists in our own home, if you will, and we're beginning with—you guessed it—food.

We like to cook a lot of our own meals, but when we do venture out to eat, it's usually to the same few places. (Paulie's and Aladdin's top our very short list.) While these are both great and we love them dearly, it's time to expand our horizons a bit. From now on, we will only be dining at eateries that neither of us have tried, which—given that there are a million restaurants in Houston—won't be too difficult. Here are a few that I'm especially looking forward to: Oxheart, Urban Eats, and Tout Suite.

Live in Houston as well? We'd love some recommendations! :)

P.S. My blog looks a little different, yeah? Snapshots and Snowglobes has evolved into With Candor, thanks to Bobbi from Ready to Blog. She did such an excellent job transforming the old design into a new and improved look, and I couldn't be more thrilled with it. We're still playing around with the layout a bit, so you might continue to see a few more changes in the coming days. Hope you like it as much as I do!


Move along.


Saints and sinners.