The Blasiks take Dallas.
Scott is such a weirdo (lol), but I love this photo of us with his sis and her boyfriend in Downtown McKinney.
Have I mentioned that Scott and I are moving to Dallas?! Well, actually, we've already moved here. Sort of. Scott has been looking for tech jobs since early this year, and the office that he landed a position with just happens to be located in Plano! Which is pretty convenient, considering both of my best friends and Scott's family live nearby. In fact, his parents have been so gracious to open up their home to us for the holiday season while we look for our very own house. (Seriously, they're the greatest.)
So that's where we are right now—chillin' in Plano with the 'rents-in-law. I'll be back in Houston soon for a few weeks before Christmas to tie up some loose ends, but by January, we'll officially be Dallas-area residents. Say whaaat.
As smooth as this move has gone so far (thanks in large part to our amazing families), I'd be lying if I said I wasn't antsy to get settled. It's kind of tough not having a space to call your own, especially around the holidays, when all you want to be doing is decorating and cooking and nesting. But saving money is also pretty nice, and we couldn't be luckier to have a family who insists on helping out in that department.
Here's to our new chapter in Dallas! I'm excited to call you my new home.